Anand Jain reports the release of Atom 1.0. Here’s the summary of comparison with RSS 2.0.
There is way to indicate whether the payload is HTML, TXT, or sthg. else. This was a major shortcoming in RSS 2.0. More than that, if the payload happened to be raw HTML, the generators encapsulate the payload in CDATA. This causes major headaches in parsing.
Title, Unique Identifier, and a last updated timestamp are a required field both in feed and entry
Atom has a new publishing protocol. This was much expected since RSS has MWA as the drumbeat.
Atom will turn into a spec. under the auspices of IETF
The Atom working group is also coming out with a “pub-sub” extension model for aggregation and notification using XMPP as the transport. This will allow content update/change notifications to be sent to an Instant Messenger (or any other web/desktop client) supporting XMPP protocol.
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